
Python File Organizer Project - Solutions and Explanations

File Organizer:

Create a program that organizes files in a directory based on their types.

Input values:
User specifies the directory path to be organized.

Output value:
Files in the specified directory "temp" into subdirectories based on their types (e.g., images, pdfs, videos).


Input values:
Input directory path: /path/to/temp
Output value:
Files in /path/to/temp organized:
- images/
- image1.jpg
- image2.png
- documents/
- document1.pdf
- videos/
- video1.mp4

Here are two different solutions for a "File Organizer" program in Python. This program will organize files in a specified directory into subdirectories based on their file types (e.g., images, documents.

Solution 1: Basic Approach Using 'os' and 'shutil' Modules


# Solution 1: Basic Approach Using `os` and `shutil` Modules

import os  # Provides functions for interacting with the operating system
import shutil  # Provides functions for file operations like copying and moving

# Define file type categories and their corresponding extensions
    'images': ['.jpg', '.jpeg', '.png', '.gif', '.bmp'],
    'documents': ['.pdf', '.doc', '.docx', '.txt'],
    'videos': ['.mp4', '.mov', '.avi', '.mkv'],
    'audio': ['.mp3', '.wav', '.flac'],
    'archives': ['.zip', '.rar', '.7z', '.tar', '.gz']

def organize_files(directory_path):
    """Organize files in the given directory based on their types."""
    # Iterate over each file in the specified directory
    for filename in os.listdir(directory_path):
        # Get the file extension
        file_extension = os.path.splitext(filename)[1].lower()

        # Determine the category for the file based on its extension
        category = None
        for key, extensions in FILE_TYPES.items():
            if file_extension in extensions:
                category = key

        # If the file matches a known category, move it to the corresponding subdirectory
        if category:
            category_path = os.path.join(directory_path, category)
            # Create the subdirectory if it doesn't exist
            os.makedirs(category_path, exist_ok=True)

            # Move the file to the subdirectory
            source = os.path.join(directory_path, filename)
            destination = os.path.join(category_path, filename)
            shutil.move(source, destination)
            print(f"Moved '{filename}' to '{category}/'")
            print(f"File '{filename}' does not match any known category.")

# Get the directory path from the user
directory_path = input("Enter the directory path to organize: ")

# Organize the files in the specified directory


Enter the directory path to organize: i:/temp
Moved '23121500486326SBIN_ChallanReceipt-advance-tax-rg-24-25.pdf' to 'documents/'
Moved 'copy (online-video-cutter.com).mp4' to 'videos/'
Moved 'copy1 (online-video-cutter.com).mp4' to 'videos/'
File 'ErrorReport.csv' does not match any known category.
Moved 'Happy-Birthday-with-Voicemod-Text-to-Song.mp3' to 'audio/'
Moved 'PascalTriangleAnimated2.gif' to 'images/'
File 'PortfolioImportTemplate.xlsx' does not match any known category.
Moved 'python-tutorial-3.9.pdf' to 'documents/'
Moved 'WhatsApp Image 2024-02-03 at 7.51.06 PM.jpeg' to 'images/'


  • Uses the 'os' and 'shutil' modules to interact with the file system and move files.
  • Defines a dictionary 'FILE_TYPES' to map file categories to their respective extensions.
  • The 'organize_files()' function iterates over the files in the specified directory, determines the file type based on its extension, and moves it to the corresponding subdirectory.
  • Creates the subdirectory if it doesn't already exist using 'os.makedirs()'.
  • This solution is straightforward and works well for simple use cases but lacks structure for extensibility.

Solution 2: Using a Class-Based Approach for Organization and Extensibility


# Solution 2: Using a Class-Based Approach for Organization and Extensibility

import os  # Provides functions for interacting with the operating system
import shutil  # Provides functions for file operations like copying and moving

class FileOrganizer:
    """Class to handle file organization based on file types."""

    # Define file type categories and their corresponding extensions
    FILE_TYPES = {
        'images': ['.jpg', '.jpeg', '.png', '.gif', '.bmp'],
        'documents': ['.pdf', '.doc', '.docx', '.txt'],
        'videos': ['.mp4', '.mov', '.avi', '.mkv'],
        'audio': ['.mp3', '.wav', '.flac'],
        'archives': ['.zip', '.rar', '.7z', '.tar', '.gz']

    def __init__(self, directory_path):
        """Initialize the organizer with the specified directory path."""
        self.directory_path = directory_path

    def organize_files(self):
        """Organize files in the given directory based on their types."""
        # Iterate over each file in the specified directory
        for filename in os.listdir(self.directory_path):
            # Get the file extension
            file_extension = os.path.splitext(filename)[1].lower()

            # Determine the category for the file based on its extension
            category = self.get_category(file_extension)

            # If the file matches a known category, move it to the corresponding subdirectory
            if category:
                self.move_file(filename, category)
                print(f"File '{filename}' does not match any known category.")

    def get_category(self, file_extension):
        """Get the category for a file based on its extension."""
        for key, extensions in self.FILE_TYPES.items():
            if file_extension in extensions:
                return key
        return None

    def move_file(self, filename, category):
        """Move a file to the specified category directory."""
        category_path = os.path.join(self.directory_path, category)
        # Create the subdirectory if it doesn't exist
        os.makedirs(category_path, exist_ok=True)

        # Move the file to the subdirectory
        source = os.path.join(self.directory_path, filename)
        destination = os.path.join(category_path, filename)
        shutil.move(source, destination)
        print(f"Moved '{filename}' to '{category}/'")

# Get the directory path from the user
directory_path = input("Enter the directory path to organize: ")

# Create an instance of the FileOrganizer class
organizer = FileOrganizer(directory_path)

# Organize the files in the specified directory


Enter the directory path to organize: i:\temp
Moved '23121500486326SBIN_ChallanReceipt-advance-tax-rg-24-25.pdf' to 'documents/'
Moved 'copy (online-video-cutter.com).mp4' to 'videos/'
Moved 'copy1 (online-video-cutter.com).mp4' to 'videos/'
File 'ErrorReport.csv' does not match any known category.
Moved 'Happy-Birthday-with-Voicemod-Text-to-Song.mp3' to 'audio/'
Moved 'PascalTriangleAnimated2.gif' to 'images/'
File 'PortfolioImportTemplate.xlsx' does not match any known category.
Moved 'python-tutorial-3.9.pdf' to 'documents/'
Moved 'WhatsApp Image 2024-02-03 at 7.51.06 PM.jpeg' to 'images/'


  • Encapsulates the file organization logic within a 'FileOrganizer' class, making the code more modular and easier to maintain.
  • The '__init__()' method initializes the class with the directory path provided by the user.
  • The 'organize_files()' method handles the main logic of organizing files into subdirectories based on their types.
  • The 'get_category()' method determines the category of a file based on its extension.
  • The 'move_file()' method moves files to their respective subdirectories, creating the subdirectory if it doesn't exist.
  • This approach follows Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) principles, making it easier to extend and add new features (like handling additional file types).

Both solutions effectively organize files in a specified directory based on their types, with Solution 1 providing a basic function-based approach and Solution 2 offering a more organized, class-based design for better modularity and extensibility.

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