
Python Projects: Display the weather forecast

Python Web Project-6 with Solution

Create a Python project to display the weather forecast of a given city.

Use the Weather API of openweathermap.org
To create a A/c go to

Sample Output:

 Input a location: London
{'base': 'stations',
 'clouds': {'all': 35},
 'cod': 200,
 'coord': {'lat': 51.5085, 'lon': -0.1257},
 'dt': 1611550212,
 'id': 2643743,
 'main': {'feels_like': 268.76,
          'humidity': 86,
          'pressure': 1005,
          'temp': 272.54,
          'temp_max': 273.15,
          'temp_min': 271.48},
 'name': 'London',
 'sys': {'country': 'GB',
         'id': 1414,
         'sunrise': 1611560914,
         'sunset': 1611592611,
         'type': 1},
 'timezone': 0,
 'visibility': 10000,
 'weather': [{'description': 'scattered clouds',
              'icon': '03n',
              'id': 802,
              'main': 'Clouds'}],
 'wind': {'deg': 0, 'speed': 2.06}}

Input a location: New York
{'base': 'stations',
 'clouds': {'all': 90},
 'cod': 200,
 'coord': {'lat': 40.7143, 'lon': -74.006},
 'dt': 1611550309,
 'id': 5128581,
 'main': {'feels_like': 266.17,
          'humidity': 50,
          'pressure': 1021,
          'temp': 270.42,
          'temp_max': 271.15,
          'temp_min': 269.26},
 'name': 'New York',
 'sys': {'country': 'US',
         'id': 4610,
         'sunrise': 1611490354,
         'sunset': 1611525811,
         'type': 1},
 'timezone': -18000,
 'visibility': 10000,
 'weather': [{'description': 'overcast clouds',
              'icon': '04n',
              'id': 804,
              'main': 'Clouds'}],
 'wind': {'deg': 0, 'speed': 1.54}}

Input a location: Brasilia
{'base': 'stations',
 'clouds': {'all': 0},
 'cod': 200,
 'coord': {'lat': -15.7797, 'lon': -47.9297},
 'dt': 1611550411,
 'id': 3469058,
 'main': {'feels_like': 292.67,
          'humidity': 64,
          'pressure': 1017,
          'temp': 292.9,
          'temp_max': 295.15,
          'temp_min': 290.37},
 'name': 'Brasília',
 'sys': {'country': 'BR',
         'id': 8336,
         'sunrise': 1611565087,
         'sunset': 1611611388,
         'type': 1},
 'timezone': -10800,
 'visibility': 10000,
 'weather': [{'description': 'clear sky',
              'icon': '01n',
              'id': 800,
              'main': 'Clear'}],
 'wind': {'deg': 100, 'speed': 1.54}} 

Sample Solution:

Python Code:

#Source: https://bit.ly/2MjeQ6z
import requests
APPID = "**************************"  # <-- Put your OpenWeatherMap appid here!
URL_BASE = "http://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/"
def current_weather(q: str = "", appid: str = APPID) -> dict:
    return requests.get(URL_BASE + "weather", params=locals()).json()
def weather_forecast(q: str = "", appid: str = APPID) -> dict:
    return requests.get(URL_BASE + "forecast", params=locals()).json()
def weather_onecall(lat: float = 55.68, lon: float = 12.57, appid: str = APPID) -> dict:
    return requests.get(URL_BASE + "onecall", params=locals()).json()
if __name__ == "__main__":
    from pprint import pprint
    while True:
        location = input("Input a location: ").strip()
        if location:


Flowchart: Display the weather forecast.


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