
Python: Test whether a given integer is pandigital number or not

Python Basic - 1: Exercise-106 with Solution

From Wikipedia,
In mathematics, a Pandigital number is an integer that in a given base has among its significant digits each digit used in the base at least once.
For example, 1223334444555556666667777777888888889999999990 is a Pandigital number in base 10. The first few Pandigital base 10 numbers are given by 1023456789, 1023456798, 1023456879, 1023456897, 1023456978, 1023456987, 1023457689.

Write a Python program to test whether a given integer is a Pandigital number or not.

Sample Solution:

Python Code:

# Define a function named is_pandigital_num that checks if a number (n) is a Pandigital number.
def is_pandigital_num(n):
    # Convert the number to a string, create a set from its digits, and check if the set has exactly 10 unique digits.
    return len(set(str(n))) == 10

# Test the function with different numbers and print the results.

# Test case 1
n = 1023456897
print("Original number:", n)
print("Check the said number is Pandigital number or not?")

# Test case 2
n = 1023456798
print("\nOriginal number:", n)
print("Check the said number is Pandigital number or not?")

# Test case 3
n = 1023457689
print("\nOriginal number:", n)
print("Check the said number is Pandigital number or not?")

# Test case 4
n = 1023456789
print("\nOriginal number:", n)
print("Check the said number is Pandigital number or not?")

# Test case 5
n = 102345679
print("\nOriginal number:", n)
print("Check the said number is Pandigital number or not?")

Sample Output:

Original number: 1023456897
Check the said number is Pandigital number or not?
Original number: 1023456798
Check the said number is Pandigital number or not?
Original number: 1023457689
Check the said number is Pandigital number or not?
Original number: 1023456789
Check the said number is Pandigital number or not?
Original number: 102345679
Check the said number is Pandigital number or not?


Here is a breakdown of the above Python code:

  • Function definition:
    • The code defines a function named "is_pandigital_num()" that checks if a given number (n) is a Pandigital number.
  • Conversion to String and Set Creation:
    • The function converts the number to a string, creates a set from its digits, and checks if the set has exactly 10 unique digits.


Flowchart: Python - Test whether a given integer is pandigital number or not.

Python Code Editor:

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