
Python Challenges: Difference between the sum of the squares of the first two hundred natural numbers and the square of the sum

Python Challenges - 1: Exercise-38 with Solution

Write a python program to find the difference between the sum of the squares of the first two hundred natural numbers and the square of the sum.

The sum of the squares of the first twenty natural numbers is,
12+22+32+.....+202 = 2870
The square of the sum of the first twenty natural numbers is,
(1 + 2 + ... + 10)2 = 44100
Hence the difference between the sum of the squares of the first twenty natural numbers and the square of the sum is 44100 – 2870 = 41230

Output: 401323300

Sample Solution:

Python Code:

r = range(1, 201)
a = sum(r)
print (a * a - sum(i*i for i in r))

Sample Output:



Python Flowchart: Difference between the sum of the squares of the first two hundred natural numbers and the square of the sum.

Python Code Editor:

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