
Python Function: Printing arguments with *args

Python ellipsis (...) Data Type: Exercise-1 with Solution

Write a Python function that takes an arbitrary number of arguments using *args and prints each argument. Use ... to represent unspecified arguments.

Sample Solution:


# Define the ellipsis constant
var1 = ...

def print_arguments(*args):
    Prints each argument passed to the function, using var1 for unspecified arguments.

        *args: Any number of positional arguments.
    for i, arg in enumerate(args):
        print(f"Argument {i + 1}: {arg}")
    if not args:
        print(f"\nUnspecified arguments: {var1}")

# Example usage:
print_arguments(1, 2, 3, "Python")
print_arguments(50, [1, 2, 3], "Derya Nidia", "Mitul Calixta")
print_arguments()  # Unspecified arguments: Ellipsis


Argument 1: 1
Argument 2: 2
Argument 3: 3
Argument 4: Python
Argument 1: 50
Argument 2: [1, 2, 3]
Argument 3: Derya Nidia
Argument 4: Mitul Calixta

Unspecified arguments: Ellipsis

In this code, 'var1' is defined as ..., and it is used to represent unspecified arguments when there are none provided to the function. If there are no arguments passed to the function, the code will print "Unspecified arguments: Ellipsis".


Flowchart: Python Function: Printing arguments with *args.

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