
Python: Remove an element from a given list

Remove List Element by Index

Write a Python program to remove an element from a given list.

Sample Solution-1:

Python Code:

# Create a list 'student' containing mixed data types (strings and integers).
student = ['Ricky Rivera', 98, 'Math', 90, 'Science']

# Print a message indicating the original list.
print("Original list:")

# Print the original list 'student'.

# Print a message indicating the purpose of the following lines of code.
print("\nAfter deleting an element, using the index of the element:")

# Use the 'del' statement to remove the element at index 0 from the 'student' list.

# Print the updated 'student' list after deleting the element.

Sample Output:

Original list:
['Ricky Rivera', 98, 'Math', 90, 'Science']

After deleting an element:, using index of the element:
[98, 'Math', 90, 'Science']


Flowchart: Remove an element from a given list.

Sample Solution-2:

Python Code:

# Create a list 'student' containing mixed data types (strings and integers).
student = ['Ricky Rivera', 98, 'Math', 90, 'Science']

# Print a message indicating the original list.
print("Original list:")

# Print the original list 'student'.

# Print a message indicating the purpose of the following lines of code.
print("\nAfter deleting an element, using the 'remove' function:")

# Use the 'remove' function to remove the first occurrence of the string 'Math' from the 'student' list.

# Print the updated 'student' list after removing the element 'Math'.

Sample Output:

Original list:
['Ricky Rivera', 98, 'Math', 90, 'Science']

After deleting an element:, using remove function:
['Ricky Rivera', 98, 90, 'Science']


Flowchart: Remove an element from a given list.

Sample Solution-3:

Python Code:

# Create a list 'student' containing mixed data types (strings and integers).
student = ['Ricky Rivera', 98, 'Math', 90, 'Science']

# Print a message indicating the original list.
print("Original list:")

# Print the original list 'student'.

# Print a message indicating the purpose of the following lines of code.
print("\nAfter deleting an element, using the 'pop' function:")

# Use the 'pop' function to remove the last element from the 'student' list, and assign the removed value to 'z'.
z = student.pop()

# Print the updated 'student' list after removing the last element.

# Print the removed value stored in 'z'.
print("Removed value is:", z) 

Sample Output:

Original list:
['Ricky Rivera', 98, 'Math', 90, 'Science']

After deleting an element:, using pop function:
['Ricky Rivera', 98, 'Math', 90]
Removed value is: Science


Flowchart: Remove an element from a given list.

For more Practice: Solve these Related Problems:

  • Write a Python program to remove multiple elements from a list based on a list of indices provided by the user.
  • Write a Python program to remove an element by its index and then shift the remaining elements accordingly.
  • Write a Python program to remove an element from a list by its index and insert a new element at that position.
  • Write a Python program to remove the element at a given index and return both the modified list and the removed element.

Python Code Editor:

Previous: Write a Python program to compute the sum of non-zero groups (separated by zeros) of a given list of numbers.
Next: Write a Python program to remove all the values except integer values from a given array of mixed values.

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