NLTK corpus: Get the overview of the tagset
NLTK corpus: Exercise-8 with Solution
Write a Python NLTK program to get the overview of the tagset, details of a specific tag in the tagset and details on several related tagsets, using regular expression.
Sample Solution:
Python Code :
import nltk
print("Overview of the tagset:")
print("\nDetails of a specific tag :")
print("\nDetails on several related tagsets, using regular expression:")'WP*')
Sample Output:
Overview of the tagset: (: opening parenthesis ( ): closing parenthesis ) *: negator not n't ,: comma , --: dash -- .: sentence terminator . ? ; ! : :: colon : ABL: determiner/pronoun, pre-qualifier quite such rather ABN: determiner/pronoun, pre-quantifier all half many nary ABX: determiner/pronoun, double conjunction or pre-quantifier both AP: determiner/pronoun, post-determiner many other next more last former little several enough most least only very few fewer past same Last latter less single plenty 'nough lesser certain various manye next-to-last particular final previous present nuf AP$: determiner/pronoun, post-determiner, genitive other's AP+AP: determiner/pronoun, post-determiner, hyphenated pair many-much AT: article the an no a every th' ever' ye BE: verb 'to be', infinitive or imperative be BED: verb 'to be', past tense, 2nd person singular or all persons plural were BED*: verb 'to be', past tense, 2nd person singular or all persons plural, negated weren't BEDZ: verb 'to be', past tense, 1st and 3rd person singular was BEDZ*: verb 'to be', past tense, 1st and 3rd person singular, negated wasn't BEG: verb 'to be', present participle or gerund being BEM: verb 'to be', present tense, 1st person singular am BEM*: verb 'to be', present tense, 1st person singular, negated ain't BEN: verb 'to be', past participle been BER: verb 'to be', present tense, 2nd person singular or all persons plural are art BER*: verb 'to be', present tense, 2nd person singular or all persons plural, negated aren't ain't BEZ: verb 'to be', present tense, 3rd person singular is BEZ*: verb 'to be', present tense, 3rd person singular, negated isn't ain't CC: conjunction, coordinating and or but plus & either neither nor yet 'n' and/or minus an' CD: numeral, cardinal two one 1 four 2 1913 71 74 637 1937 8 five three million 87-31 29-5 seven 1,119 fifty-three 7.5 billion hundred 125,000 1,700 60 100 six ... CD$: numeral, cardinal, genitive 1960's 1961's .404's CS: conjunction, subordinating that as after whether before while like because if since for than altho until so unless though providing once lest s'posin' till whereas whereupon supposing tho' albeit then so's 'fore DO: verb 'to do', uninflected present tense, infinitive or imperative do dost DO*: verb 'to do', uninflected present tense or imperative, negated don't DO+PPSS: verb 'to do', past or present tense + pronoun, personal, nominative, not 3rd person singular d'you DOD: verb 'to do', past tense did done DOD*: verb 'to do', past tense, negated didn't DOZ: verb 'to do', present tense, 3rd person singular does DOZ*: verb 'to do', present tense, 3rd person singular, negated doesn't don't DT: determiner/pronoun, singular this each another that 'nother DT$: determiner/pronoun, singular, genitive another's DT+BEZ: determiner/pronoun + verb 'to be', present tense, 3rd person singular that's DT+MD: determiner/pronoun + modal auxillary that'll this'll DTI: determiner/pronoun, singular or plural any some DTS: determiner/pronoun, plural these those them DTS+BEZ: pronoun, plural + verb 'to be', present tense, 3rd person singular them's DTX: determiner, pronoun or double conjunction neither either one EX: existential there there EX+BEZ: existential there + verb 'to be', present tense, 3rd person singular there's EX+HVD: existential there + verb 'to have', past tense there'd EX+HVZ: existential there + verb 'to have', present tense, 3rd person singular there's EX+MD: existential there + modal auxillary there'll there'd FW-*: foreign word: negator pas non ne FW-AT: foreign word: article la le el un die der ein keine eine das las les Il FW-AT+NN: foreign word: article + noun, singular, common l'orchestre l'identite l'arcade l'ange l'assistance l'activite L'Universite l'independance L'Union L'Unita l'osservatore FW-AT+NP: foreign word: article + noun, singular, proper L'Astree L'Imperiale FW-BE: foreign word: verb 'to be', infinitive or imperative sit FW-BER: foreign word: verb 'to be', present tense, 2nd person singular or all persons plural sind sunt etes FW-BEZ: foreign word: verb 'to be', present tense, 3rd person singular ist est FW-CC: foreign word: conjunction, coordinating et ma mais und aber och nec y FW-CD: foreign word: numeral, cardinal une cinq deux sieben unam zwei FW-CS: foreign word: conjunction, subordinating bevor quam ma FW-DT: foreign word: determiner/pronoun, singular hoc FW-DT+BEZ: foreign word: determiner + verb 'to be', present tense, 3rd person singular c'est FW-DTS: foreign word: determiner/pronoun, plural haec FW-HV: foreign word: verb 'to have', present tense, not 3rd person singular habe FW-IN: foreign word: preposition ad de en a par con dans ex von auf super post sine sur sub avec per inter sans pour pendant in di FW-IN+AT: foreign word: preposition + article della des du aux zur d'un del dell' FW-IN+NN: foreign word: preposition + noun, singular, common d'etat d'hotel d'argent d'identite d'art FW-IN+NP: foreign word: preposition + noun, singular, proper d'Yquem d'Eiffel FW-JJ: foreign word: adjective avant Espagnol sinfonica Siciliana Philharmonique grand publique haute noire bouffe Douce meme humaine bel serieuses royaux anticus presto Sovietskaya Bayerische comique schwarzen ... FW-JJR: foreign word: adjective, comparative fortiori FW-JJT: foreign word: adjective, superlative optimo FW-NN: foreign word: noun, singular, common ballet esprit ersatz mano chatte goutte sang Fledermaus oud def kolkhoz roi troika canto boite blutwurst carne muzyka bonheur monde piece force ... FW-NN$: foreign word: noun, singular, common, genitive corporis intellectus arte's dei aeternitatis senioritatis curiae patronne's chambre's FW-NNS: foreign word: noun, plural, common al culpas vopos boites haflis kolkhozes augen tyrannis alpha-beta- gammas metis banditos rata phis negociants crus Einsatzkommandos kamikaze wohaws sabinas zorrillas palazzi engages coureurs corroborees yori Ubermenschen ... FW-NP: foreign word: noun, singular, proper Karshilama Dieu Rundfunk Afrique Espanol Afrika Spagna Gott Carthago deus FW-NPS: foreign word: noun, plural, proper Svenskarna Atlantes Dieux FW-NR: foreign word: noun, singular, adverbial heute morgen aujourd'hui hoy FW-OD: foreign word: numeral, ordinal 18e 17e quintus FW-PN: foreign word: pronoun, nominal hoc FW-PP$: foreign word: determiner, possessive mea mon deras vos FW-PPL: foreign word: pronoun, singular, reflexive se FW-PPL+VBZ: foreign word: pronoun, singular, reflexive + verb, present tense, 3rd person singular s'excuse s'accuse FW-PPO: pronoun, personal, accusative lui me moi mi FW-PPO+IN: foreign word: pronoun, personal, accusative + preposition mecum tecum FW-PPS: foreign word: pronoun, personal, nominative, 3rd person singular il FW-PPSS: foreign word: pronoun, personal, nominative, not 3rd person singular ich vous sie je FW-PPSS+HV: foreign word: pronoun, personal, nominative, not 3rd person singular + verb 'to have', present tense, not 3rd person singular j'ai FW-QL: foreign word: qualifier minus FW-RB: foreign word: adverb bas assai deja um wiederum cito velociter vielleicht simpliciter non zu domi nuper sic forsan olim oui semper tout despues hors FW-RB+CC: foreign word: adverb + conjunction, coordinating forisque FW-TO+VB: foreign word: infinitival to + verb, infinitive d'entretenir FW-UH: foreign word: interjection sayonara bien adieu arigato bonjour adios bueno tchalo ciao o FW-VB: foreign word: verb, present tense, not 3rd person singular, imperative or infinitive nolo contendere vive fermate faciunt esse vade noli tangere dites duces meminisse iuvabit gosaimasu voulez habla ksu'u'peli'afo lacheln miuchi say allons strafe portant FW-VBD: foreign word: verb, past tense stabat peccavi audivi FW-VBG: foreign word: verb, present participle or gerund nolens volens appellant seq. obliterans servanda dicendi delenda FW-VBN: foreign word: verb, past participle vue verstrichen rasa verboten engages FW-VBZ: foreign word: verb, present tense, 3rd person singular gouverne sinkt sigue diapiace FW-WDT: foreign word: WH-determiner quo qua quod que quok FW-WPO: foreign word: WH-pronoun, accusative quibusdam FW-WPS: foreign word: WH-pronoun, nominative qui HV: verb 'to have', uninflected present tense, infinitive or imperative have hast HV*: verb 'to have', uninflected present tense or imperative, negated haven't ain't HV+TO: verb 'to have', uninflected present tense + infinitival to hafta HVD: verb 'to have', past tense had HVD*: verb 'to have', past tense, negated hadn't HVG: verb 'to have', present participle or gerund having HVN: verb 'to have', past participle had HVZ: verb 'to have', present tense, 3rd person singular has hath HVZ*: verb 'to have', present tense, 3rd person singular, negated hasn't ain't IN: preposition of in for by considering to on among at through with under into regarding than since despite according per before toward against as after during including between without except upon out over ... IN+IN: preposition, hyphenated pair f'ovuh IN+PPO: preposition + pronoun, personal, accusative t'hi-im JJ: adjective ecent over-all possible hard-fought favorable hard meager fit such widespread outmoded inadequate ambiguous grand clerical effective orderly federal foster general proportionate ... JJ$: adjective, genitive Great's JJ+JJ: adjective, hyphenated pair big-large long-far JJR: adjective, comparative greater older further earlier later freer franker wider better deeper firmer tougher faster higher bigger worse younger lighter nicer slower happier frothier Greater newer Elder ... JJR+CS: adjective + conjunction, coordinating lighter'n JJS: adjective, semantically superlative top chief principal northernmost master key head main tops utmost innermost foremost uppermost paramount topmost JJT: adjective, superlative best largest coolest calmest latest greatest earliest simplest strongest newest fiercest unhappiest worst youngest worthiest fastest hottest fittest lowest finest smallest staunchest ... MD: modal auxillary should may might will would must can could shall ought need wilt MD*: modal auxillary, negated cannot couldn't wouldn't can't won't shouldn't shan't mustn't musn't MD+HV: modal auxillary + verb 'to have', uninflected form shouldda musta coulda must've woulda could've MD+PPSS: modal auxillary + pronoun, personal, nominative, not 3rd person singular willya MD+TO: modal auxillary + infinitival to oughta NN: noun, singular, common failure burden court fire appointment awarding compensation Mayor interim committee fact effect airport management surveillance jail doctor intern extern night weekend duty legislation Tax Office ... NN$: noun, singular, common, genitive season's world's player's night's chapter's golf's football's baseball's club's U.'s coach's bride's bridegroom's board's county's firm's company's superintendent's mob's Navy's ... NN+BEZ: noun, singular, common + verb 'to be', present tense, 3rd person singular water's camera's sky's kid's Pa's heat's throat's father's money's undersecretary's granite's level's wife's fat's Knife's fire's name's hell's leg's sun's roulette's cane's guy's kind's baseball's ... NN+HVD: noun, singular, common + verb 'to have', past tense Pa'd NN+HVZ: noun, singular, common + verb 'to have', present tense, 3rd person singular guy's Knife's boat's summer's rain's company's NN+IN: noun, singular, common + preposition buncha NN+MD: noun, singular, common + modal auxillary cowhand'd sun'll NN+NN: noun, singular, common, hyphenated pair stomach-belly NNS: noun, plural, common irregularities presentments thanks reports voters laws legislators years areas adjustments chambers $100 bonds courts sales details raises sessions members congressmen votes polls calls ... NNS$: noun, plural, common, genitive taxpayers' children's members' States' women's cutters' motorists' steelmakers' hours' Nations' lawyers' prisoners' architects' tourists' Employers' secretaries' Rogues' ... NNS+MD: noun, plural, common + modal auxillary duds'd oystchers'll NP: noun, singular, proper Fulton Atlanta September-October Durwood Pye Ivan Allen Jr. Jan. Alpharetta Grady William B. Hartsfield Pearl Williams Aug. Berry J. M. Cheshire Griffin Opelika Ala. E. Pelham Snodgrass ... NP$: noun, singular, proper, genitive Green's Landis' Smith's Carreon's Allison's Boston's Spahn's Willie's Mickey's Milwaukee's Mays' Howsam's Mantle's Shaw's Wagner's Rickey's Shea's Palmer's Arnold's Broglio's ... NP+BEZ: noun, singular, proper + verb 'to be', present tense, 3rd person singular W.'s Ike's Mack's Jack's Kate's Katharine's Black's Arthur's Seaton's Buckhorn's Breed's Penny's Rob's Kitty's Blackwell's Myra's Wally's Lucille's Springfield's Arlene's NP+HVZ: noun, singular, proper + verb 'to have', present tense, 3rd person singular Bill's Guardino's Celie's Skolman's Crosson's Tim's Wally's NP+MD: noun, singular, proper + modal auxillary Gyp'll John'll NPS: noun, plural, proper Chases Aderholds Chapelles Armisteads Lockies Carbones French Marskmen Toppers Franciscans Romans Cadillacs Masons Blacks Catholics British Dixiecrats Mississippians Congresses ... NPS$: noun, plural, proper, genitive Republicans' Orioles' Birds' Yanks' Redbirds' Bucs' Yankees' Stevenses' Geraghtys' Burkes' Wackers' Achaeans' Dresbachs' Russians' Democrats' Gershwins' Adventists' Negroes' Catholics' ... NR: noun, singular, adverbial Friday home Wednesday Tuesday Monday Sunday Thursday yesterday tomorrow tonight West East Saturday west left east downtown north northeast southeast northwest North South right ... NR$: noun, singular, adverbial, genitive Saturday's Monday's yesterday's tonight's tomorrow's Sunday's Wednesday's Friday's today's Tuesday's West's Today's South's NR+MD: noun, singular, adverbial + modal auxillary today'll NRS: noun, plural, adverbial Sundays Mondays Saturdays Wednesdays Souths Fridays OD: numeral, ordinal first 13th third nineteenth 2d 61st second sixth eighth ninth twenty- first eleventh 50th eighteenth- Thirty-ninth 72nd 1/20th twentieth mid-19th thousandth 350th sixteenth 701st ... PN: pronoun, nominal none something everything one anyone nothing nobody everybody everyone anybody anything someone no-one nothin PN$: pronoun, nominal, genitive one's someone's anybody's nobody's everybody's anyone's everyone's PN+BEZ: pronoun, nominal + verb 'to be', present tense, 3rd person singular nothing's everything's somebody's nobody's someone's PN+HVD: pronoun, nominal + verb 'to have', past tense nobody'd PN+HVZ: pronoun, nominal + verb 'to have', present tense, 3rd person singular nobody's somebody's one's PN+MD: pronoun, nominal + modal auxillary someone'll somebody'll anybody'd PP$: determiner, possessive our its his their my your her out thy mine thine PP$$: pronoun, possessive ours mine his hers theirs yours PPL: pronoun, singular, reflexive itself himself myself yourself herself oneself ownself PPLS: pronoun, plural, reflexive themselves ourselves yourselves PPO: pronoun, personal, accusative them it him me us you 'em her thee we'uns PPS: pronoun, personal, nominative, 3rd person singular it he she thee PPS+BEZ: pronoun, personal, nominative, 3rd person singular + verb 'to be', present tense, 3rd person singular it's he's she's PPS+HVD: pronoun, personal, nominative, 3rd person singular + verb 'to have', past tense she'd he'd it'd PPS+HVZ: pronoun, personal, nominative, 3rd person singular + verb 'to have', present tense, 3rd person singular it's he's she's PPS+MD: pronoun, personal, nominative, 3rd person singular + modal auxillary he'll she'll it'll he'd it'd she'd PPSS: pronoun, personal, nominative, not 3rd person singular they we I you ye thou you'uns PPSS+BEM: pronoun, personal, nominative, not 3rd person singular + verb 'to be', present tense, 1st person singular I'm Ahm PPSS+BER: pronoun, personal, nominative, not 3rd person singular + verb 'to be', present tense, 2nd person singular or all persons plural we're you're they're PPSS+BEZ: pronoun, personal, nominative, not 3rd person singular + verb 'to be', present tense, 3rd person singular you's PPSS+BEZ*: pronoun, personal, nominative, not 3rd person singular + verb 'to be', present tense, 3rd person singular, negated 'tain't PPSS+HV: pronoun, personal, nominative, not 3rd person singular + verb 'to have', uninflected present tense I've we've they've you've PPSS+HVD: pronoun, personal, nominative, not 3rd person singular + verb 'to have', past tense I'd you'd we'd they'd PPSS+MD: pronoun, personal, nominative, not 3rd person singular + modal auxillary you'll we'll I'll we'd I'd they'll they'd you'd PPSS+VB: pronoun, personal, nominative, not 3rd person singular + verb 'to verb', uninflected present tense y'know QL: qualifier, pre well less very most so real as highly fundamentally even how much remarkably somewhat more completely too thus ill deeply little overly halfway almost impossibly far severly such ... QLP: qualifier, post indeed enough still 'nuff RB: adverb only often generally also nevertheless upon together back newly no likely meanwhile near then heavily there apparently yet outright fully aside consistently specifically formally ever just ... RB$: adverb, genitive else's RB+BEZ: adverb + verb 'to be', present tense, 3rd person singular here's there's RB+CS: adverb + conjunction, coordinating well's soon's RBR: adverb, comparative further earlier better later higher tougher more harder longer sooner less faster easier louder farther oftener nearer cheaper slower tighter lower worse heavier quicker ... RBR+CS: adverb, comparative + conjunction, coordinating more'n RBT: adverb, superlative most best highest uppermost nearest brightest hardest fastest deepest farthest loudest ... RN: adverb, nominal here afar then RP: adverb, particle up out off down over on in about through across after RP+IN: adverb, particle + preposition out'n outta TO: infinitival to to t' TO+VB: infinitival to + verb, infinitive t'jawn t'lah UH: interjection Hurrah bang whee hmpf ah goodbye oops oh-the-pain-of-it ha crunch say oh why see well hello lo alas tarantara rum-tum-tum gosh hell keerist Jesus Keeeerist boy c'mon 'mon goddamn bah hoo-pig damn ... VB: verb, base: uninflected present, imperative or infinitive investigate find act follow inure achieve reduce take remedy re-set distribute realize disable feel receive continue place protect eliminate elaborate work permit run enter force ... VB+AT: verb, base: uninflected present or infinitive + article wanna VB+IN: verb, base: uninflected present, imperative or infinitive + preposition lookit VB+JJ: verb, base: uninflected present, imperative or infinitive + adjective die-dead VB+PPO: verb, uninflected present tense + pronoun, personal, accusative let's lemme gimme VB+RP: verb, imperative + adverbial particle g'ahn c'mon VB+TO: verb, base: uninflected present, imperative or infinitive + infinitival to wanta wanna VB+VB: verb, base: uninflected present, imperative or infinitive; hypenated pair say-speak VBD: verb, past tense said produced took recommended commented urged found added praised charged listed became announced brought attended wanted voted defeated received got stood shot scheduled feared promised made ... VBG: verb, present participle or gerund modernizing improving purchasing Purchasing lacking enabling pricing keeping getting picking entering voting warning making strengthening setting neighboring attending participating moving ... VBG+TO: verb, present participle + infinitival to gonna VBN: verb, past participle conducted charged won received studied revised operated accepted combined experienced recommended effected granted seen protected adopted retarded notarized selected composed gotten printed ... VBN+TO: verb, past participle + infinitival to gotta VBZ: verb, present tense, 3rd person singular deserves believes receives takes goes expires says opposes starts permits expects thinks faces votes teaches holds calls fears spends collects backs eliminates sets flies gives seeks reads ... WDT: WH-determiner which what whatever whichever whichever-the-hell WDT+BER: WH-determiner + verb 'to be', present tense, 2nd person singular or all persons plural what're WDT+BER+PP: WH-determiner + verb 'to be', present, 2nd person singular or all persons plural + pronoun, personal, nominative, not 3rd person singular whaddya WDT+BEZ: WH-determiner + verb 'to be', present tense, 3rd person singular what's WDT+DO+PPS: WH-determiner + verb 'to do', uninflected present tense + pronoun, personal, nominative, not 3rd person singular whaddya WDT+DOD: WH-determiner + verb 'to do', past tense what'd WDT+HVZ: WH-determiner + verb 'to have', present tense, 3rd person singular what's WP$: WH-pronoun, genitive whose whosever WPO: WH-pronoun, accusative whom that who WPS: WH-pronoun, nominative that who whoever whosoever what whatsoever WPS+BEZ: WH-pronoun, nominative + verb 'to be', present, 3rd person singular that's who's WPS+HVD: WH-pronoun, nominative + verb 'to have', past tense who'd WPS+HVZ: WH-pronoun, nominative + verb 'to have', present tense, 3rd person singular who's that's WPS+MD: WH-pronoun, nominative + modal auxillary who'll that'd who'd that'll WQL: WH-qualifier however how WRB: WH-adverb however when where why whereby wherever how whenever whereon wherein wherewith wheare wherefore whereof howsabout WRB+BER: WH-adverb + verb 'to be', present, 2nd person singular or all persons plural where're WRB+BEZ: WH-adverb + verb 'to be', present, 3rd person singular how's where's WRB+DO: WH-adverb + verb 'to do', present, not 3rd person singular howda WRB+DOD: WH-adverb + verb 'to do', past tense where'd how'd WRB+DOD*: WH-adverb + verb 'to do', past tense, negated whyn't WRB+DOZ: WH-adverb + verb 'to do', present tense, 3rd person singular how's WRB+IN: WH-adverb + preposition why'n WRB+MD: WH-adverb + modal auxillary where'd None Details of a specific tag : NNS: noun, plural, common irregularities presentments thanks reports voters laws legislators years areas adjustments chambers $100 bonds courts sales details raises sessions members congressmen votes polls calls ... None Details on several related tagsets, using regular expression: WDT: WH-determiner which what whatever whichever whichever-the-hell WDT+BER: WH-determiner + verb 'to be', present tense, 2nd person singular or all persons plural what're WDT+BER+PP: WH-determiner + verb 'to be', present, 2nd person singular or all persons plural + pronoun, personal, nominative, not 3rd person singular whaddya WDT+BEZ: WH-determiner + verb 'to be', present tense, 3rd person singular what's WDT+DO+PPS: WH-determiner + verb 'to do', uninflected present tense + pronoun, personal, nominative, not 3rd person singular whaddya WDT+DOD: WH-determiner + verb 'to do', past tense what'd WDT+HVZ: WH-determiner + verb 'to have', present tense, 3rd person singular what's WP$: WH-pronoun, genitive whose whosever WPO: WH-pronoun, accusative whom that who WPS: WH-pronoun, nominative that who whoever whosoever what whatsoever WPS+BEZ: WH-pronoun, nominative + verb 'to be', present, 3rd person singular that's who's WPS+HVD: WH-pronoun, nominative + verb 'to have', past tense who'd WPS+HVZ: WH-pronoun, nominative + verb 'to have', present tense, 3rd person singular who's that's WPS+MD: WH-pronoun, nominative + modal auxillary who'll that'd who'd that'll WQL: WH-qualifier however how WRB: WH-adverb however when where why whereby wherever how whenever whereon wherein wherewith wheare wherefore whereof howsabout WRB+BER: WH-adverb + verb 'to be', present, 2nd person singular or all persons plural where're WRB+BEZ: WH-adverb + verb 'to be', present, 3rd person singular how's where's WRB+DO: WH-adverb + verb 'to do', present, not 3rd person singular howda WRB+DOD: WH-adverb + verb 'to do', past tense where'd how'd WRB+DOD*: WH-adverb + verb 'to do', past tense, negated whyn't WRB+DOZ: WH-adverb + verb 'to do', present tense, 3rd person singular how's WRB+IN: WH-adverb + preposition why'n WRB+MD: WH-adverb + modal auxillary where'd
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Previous: Write a Python NLTK program to find the sets of synonyms and antonyms of a given word.
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