
Flattening a 3x3x3 array to a 1D array using NumPy

Write a NumPy program to create a 3x3x3 array with random values and flatten it to a 1D array.

This task involves generating a 3x3x3 array filled with random values using NumPy and then flattening it into a 1D array. Flattening an array is a common operation in data processing, converting a multi-dimensional array into a single-dimensional array for easier manipulation and analysis.

Sample Solution:

Python Code:

# Importing the necessary NumPy library
import numpy as np

# Create a 3x3x3 array with random values
array = np.random.rand(3, 3, 3)

# Flatten the 3D array to a 1D array
flattened_array = array.flatten()

# Printing the 3D array and its flattened version
print("3x3x3 Array:\n", array)
print("Flattened 1D Array:\n", flattened_array)


3x3x3 Array:
 [[[0.60776127 0.85659619 0.90421646]
  [0.01376209 0.45704237 0.29651364]
  [0.83378199 0.79445351 0.05627497]]

 [[0.93562363 0.08483905 0.96325464]
  [0.6470311  0.20171087 0.37910202]
  [0.82161452 0.69174066 0.97312358]]

 [[0.52205353 0.38419799 0.17200811]
  [0.04389473 0.49328105 0.47868007]
  [0.30365635 0.94884667 0.74666266]]]
Flattened 1D Array:
 [0.60776127 0.85659619 0.90421646 0.01376209 0.45704237 0.29651364
 0.83378199 0.79445351 0.05627497 0.93562363 0.08483905 0.96325464
 0.6470311  0.20171087 0.37910202 0.82161452 0.69174066 0.97312358
 0.52205353 0.38419799 0.17200811 0.04389473 0.49328105 0.47868007
 0.30365635 0.94884667 0.74666266]


  • Import NumPy library: This step imports the NumPy library, which is essential for numerical operations.
  • Create a 3x3x3 array: We use np.random.rand(3, 3, 3) to generate a 3D array with random values between 0 and 1.
  • Flatten the 3D array to a 1D array: The array.flatten() function transforms the 3D array into a 1D array.
  • Print results: This step prints the original 3D array and its flattened 1D version.

Python-Numpy Code Editor:

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