
NumPy: Find and store non-zero unique rows in an array after comparing each row with other row in a given matrix

NumPy: Array Object Exercise-172 with Solution

Write a NumPy program to find and store non-zero unique rows in an array after comparing each row with other row in a given matrix.

Sample Solution:

Python Code:

# Importing NumPy library
import numpy as np

# Creating a NumPy array
arra = np.array([[1, 1, 0],
                 [0, 0, 0],
                 [0, 2, 3],
                 [0, 0, 0],
                 [0, -1, 1],
                 [0, 0, 0]])

# Printing the original array
print("Original array:")

# Creating a set of tuples with all zeros
temp = {(0, 0, 0)}

# Initializing an empty list to store row indices
result = []

# Enumerating through each row as a tuple and its index
for idx, row in enumerate(map(tuple, arra)):
    # Checking if the row is not in the set of all zeros
    if row not in temp:
        # Appending the index to the result list

# Printing non-zero unique rows based on their indices
print("\nNon-zero unique rows:")

Sample Output:

Original array:
[[ 1  1  0]
 [ 0  0  0]
 [ 0  2  3]
 [ 0  0  0]
 [ 0 -1  1]
 [ 0  0  0]]

Non-zero unique rows:
[[ 1  1  0]
 [ 0  2  3]
 [ 0 -1  1]]


In the above exercise -

  • arra = np.array(...): This line creates a 6x3 NumPy array.
  • temp = {(0, 0, 0)}: Creates a set containing the tuple (0, 0, 0) which we want to remove from arra.
  • result = []: This line initializes an empty list that will store the indices of rows in arra that don't match the given tuple.
  • for idx, row in enumerate(map(tuple, arra)): The for loop iterates through the enumerated rows of ‘arra’ after converting each row to a tuple using map(tuple, arra).
  • if row not in temp: checks if the current row (as a tuple) is not in the set temp (i.e., not equal to (0, 0, 0)).
  • If the condition is True, the index (idx) of the current row is appended to the result list.
  • After the loop, arra[result] selects rows of arra using the indices stored in the result list, effectively removing rows that matched the given tuple.
  • Finally print() function prints the modified array ‘arra’, with all rows containing (0, 0, 0) removed.

Pictorial Presentation:

NumPy: Find and store non-zero unique rows in an array after comparing each row with other row in a given matrix.

Python-Numpy Code Editor:

Previous: Write a NumPy program to search the index of a given array in another given array.
Next: Write a NumPy program to set zero to lower triangles along the last two axes of a three-dimensional of a given array.

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