
NumPy: Create a three-dimension array, fill the array elements with values using unsigned integer (0 to 255)

NumPy: Random Exercise-17 with Solution

Write a NumPy program to create a three-dimension array with shape (300,400,5) and set to a variable. Fill the array elements with values using unsigned integer (0 to 255).

Sample Solution:

Python Code:

# Importing NumPy library and aliasing it as np
import numpy as np

# Setting the random seed to 32 for reproducibility

# Generating a 3D NumPy array 'nums' with dimensions 300x400x5
# Filling it with random integers in the range [0, 256) and data type uint8
nums = np.random.randint(low=0, high=256, size=(300, 400, 5), dtype=np.uint8)

# Printing the generated array 'nums'

Sample Output:

[[[215  42 224 219  43]
  [166  69  15 133 255]
  [105  95  54  37 201]
  [240  22  66 232 132]
  [ 13  85  53 220 170]
  [249  62 221 146  69]]

 [[ 73  79 148 132 164]
  [  3  93  98 138 200]
  [174  34  31 208 130]
  [ 15 252  41  64  39]
  [188 216 223 124  27]
  [ 85 112 240 116 231]]

 [[227  50 243  20 171]
  [ 12  66 108 102  63]
  [107  54   0   0 173]
  [215  46  57  99 151]
  [243 199  31  28 179]
  [143   7  30 175 190]]


 [[214  64  64 212  62]
  [140  44 217  17 164]
  [226 146 247  53 199]
  [189  68  49 117  63]
  [ 14  17 109  82  92]
  [155 221 135 184 231]]

 [[132 194 160 136 102]
  [132 244 230 117 181]
  [146 245  21 164  29]
  [125 240 243 190 240]
  [137  41 157 117 155]
  [ 20  92  72 182  41]]

 [[120  45 198 218 190]
  [ 42 150 190 103 106]
  [164  71 220 114  59]
  [143  20 219 154  85]
  [219 190 170 227 246]
  [ 39  14 127 230 158]]]


In the above exercise –

np.random.seed(32): This line sets the random seed to 32, which ensures that the same sequence of random numbers is generated each time the code is run.

nums = np.random.randint(low=0, high=256, size=(300, 400, 5), dtype=np.uint8): This line generates a 3D array of random integers. The parameters are as follows:

  • low=0: The lower bound (inclusive) for the random integers.
  • high=256: The upper bound (exclusive) for the random integers.
  • size=(300, 400, 5): The shape of the output array.
  • dtype=np.uint8: The data type of the output array, which is an unsigned 8-bit integer. This means the integers can have values between 0 and 255 (inclusive).

print(nums): Finally print() function prints the generated 3D array of random unsigned 8-bit integers.

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