Pandas Pivot Titanic: Extract the column labels, shape and data types of the dataset
Write a Pandas program to extract the column labels, shape and data types of the dataset (titanic.csv). Go to Editor
Sample Solution:
Python Code :
Sample Output:
List of columns: Index(['survived', 'pclass', 'sex', 'age', 'sibsp', 'parch', 'fare', 'embarked', 'class', 'who', 'adult_male', 'deck', 'embark_town', 'alive', 'alone', 'Unnamed: 15'], dtype='object') Shape of the Dataset: (891, 16) Data types of the Dataset: survived int64 pclass int64 sex object age float64 sibsp int64 parch int64 fare float64 embarked object class object who object adult_male bool deck object embark_town object alive object alone bool Unnamed: 15 float64 dtype: object
Python Code Editor:
Pivot Titanic.csv:
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Previous: Write a Pandas program to print a concise summary of the dataset (titanic.csv).
Next: Write a Pandas program to create a Pivot table with multiple indexes from the data set of titanic.csv.
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