
Pandas SQL Query: Display employees who is either Sales Representative or Sales Man

Pandas HR database Queries: Exercise-24 with Solution

Write a Pandas program to display the first and last name and date of joining of the employees who is either Sales Representative or Sales Man.


Sample Solution:

Python Code :

import pandas as pd
employees = pd.read_csv(r"EMPLOYEES.csv")
departments = pd.read_csv(r"DEPARTMENTS.csv")
job_history = pd.read_csv(r"JOB_HISTORY.csv")
jobs = pd.read_csv(r"JOBS.csv")
countries = pd.read_csv(r"COUNTRIES.csv")
regions = pd.read_csv(r"REGIONS.csv")
locations = pd.read_csv(r"LOCATIONS.csv")
print("First name      Last name       Job ID          Hire Date")
result = employees[employees['job_id'].isin(['SA_REP', 'SA_MAN'])]
for index, row in result.iterrows():

Sample Output:

First name      Last name       Job ID          Hire Date
John            Russell         SA_MAN          2004-10-01
Karen           Partners        SA_MAN          2005-01-05
Alberto         Errazuriz       SA_MAN          2005-03-10
Gerald          Cambrault       SA_MAN          2007-10-15
Eleni           Zlotkey         SA_MAN          2008-01-29
Peter           Tucker          SA_REP          2005-01-30
David           Bernstein       SA_REP          2005-03-24
Peter           Hall            SA_REP          2005-08-20
Christopher     Olsen           SA_REP          2006-03-30
Nanette         Cambrault       SA_REP          2006-12-09
Oliver          Tuvault         SA_REP          2007-11-23
Janette         King            SA_REP          2004-01-30
Patrick         Sully           SA_REP          2004-03-04
Allan           McEwen          SA_REP          2004-08-01
Lindsey         Smith           SA_REP          2005-03-10
Louise          Doran           SA_REP          2005-12-15
Sarath          Sewall          SA_REP          2006-11-03
Clara           Vishney         SA_REP          2005-11-11
Danielle        Greene          SA_REP          2007-03-19
Mattea          Marvins         SA_REP          2008-01-24
David           Lee             SA_REP          2008-02-23
Sundar          Ande            SA_REP          2008-03-24
Amit            Banda           SA_REP          2008-04-21
Lisa            Ozer            SA_REP          2005-03-11
Harrison        Bloom           SA_REP          2006-03-23
Tayler          Fox             SA_REP          2006-01-24
William         Smith           SA_REP          2007-02-23
Elizabeth       Bates           SA_REP          2007-03-24
Sundita         Kumar           SA_REP          2008-04-21
Ellen           Abel            SA_REP          2004-05-11
Alyssa          Hutton          SA_REP          2005-03-19
Jonathon        Taylor          SA_REP          2006-03-24
Jack            Livingston      SA_REP          2006-04-23
Kimberely       Grant           SA_REP          2007-05-24
Charles         Johnson         SA_REP          2008-01-04

Equivalent SQL Syntax:

SELECT first_name, last_name, hire_date
	FROM employees 
		WHERE job_id IN ('SA_REP', 'SA_MAN');

Click to view the table contain:

Employees Table

Departments Table

Countries Table

Job_History Table

Jobs Table

Locations Table

Regions Table

Python Code Editor:

Structure of HR database :

HR database

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Previous: Write a Pandas program to display the details of jobs in descending sequence on job title.

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