Pandas: Extract only words from a given column of a given DataFrame
Write a Pandas program to extract only words from a given column of a given DataFrame.
Sample Solution:
Python Code :
Sample Output:
Original DataFrame: company_code date_of_sale address 0 Abcd 12/05/2002 9910 Surrey Ave. 1 EFGF 16/02/1999 92 N. Bishop Ave. 2 zefsalf 05/09/1998 9910 Golden Star Ave. 3 sdfslew 12/02/2022 102 Dunbar St. 4 zekfsdf 15/09/1997 17 West Livingston Court Only words: company_code ... only_words 0 Abcd ... Surrey Ave 1 EFGF ... N Bishop Ave 2 zefsalf ... Golden Star Ave 3 sdfslew ... Dunbar St 4 zekfsdf ... West Livingston Court [5 rows x 4 columns]
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Previous: Write a Pandas program to extract date (format: mm-dd-yyyy) from a given column of a given DataFrame.
Next: Write a Pandas program to extract the sentences where a specific word is present in a given column of a given DataFrame.
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