
Python: Empty a variable without destroying it

Empty Variable Without Deletion

Write a Python program to empty a variable without destroying it.

type() returns the type of an object, which when called produces an 'empty' new value.

Sample data: n=20
d = {"x":200}
Expected Output: 0

Sample Solution-1:

Python Code:

# Define a variable n with a value of 20.
n = 20

# Define a dictionary d with a key "x" and a value of 200.
d = {"x": 200}

# Define a list l with elements 1, 3, and 5.
l = [1, 3, 5]

# Define a tuple t with elements 5, 7, and 8.
t = (5, 7, 8)

# Print the type of n and create an instance of that type with no arguments.

# Print the type of d and create an instance of that type with no arguments.

# Print the type of l and create an instance of that type with no arguments.

# Print the type of t and create an instance of that type with no arguments.

Sample Output:


Sample Solution-2:

Python Code:

# Define a function called Empty_Var that takes a list lst as input.
def Empty_Var(lst):
    # Create a new list by initializing elements of the same type as those in the input list.
    return [type(i)() for i in lst]

# Create a list called lst containing various types of objects.
lst = ["python", {"x": 12}, [10, 12, "sfsd"], (4, 5), 200]

# Print the original objects contained in the list.
print("Original objects:")

# Print a message and the result of emptying the variables without destroying them.
print("\nEmpty the said variables without destroying them:")

Sample Output:

Original objects:
['python', {'x': 12}, [10, 12, 'sfsd'], (4, 5), 200]

Empty the said variables without destroying it:
['', {}, [], (), 0]


Flowchart: Empty a variable without destroying it.

For more Practice: Solve these Related Problems:

  • Write a Python program to clear a list, dictionary, tuple, and set while preserving their type.
  • Write a Python function that takes any variable and resets its value to its default empty equivalent.
  • Write a Python program to empty a variable and check its memory address before and after clearing.
  • Write a Python program to empty a nested dictionary without deleting its keys.

Python Code Editor:


Previous: Write a Python program to determine if variable is defined or not.
Next: Write a Python program to determine the largest and smallest integers, longs, floats.

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