
Python: Print first and last name in reverse order with a space between them

Reverse Full Name

Write a Python program that accepts the user's first and last name and prints them in reverse order with a space between them.

Python has two functions designed for accepting data directly from the user:

  • Python 2.x. -> raw_input()
  • Python 3.x. -> input()


raw_input() asks the user for a string of data and simply returns the string, the string data ended with a newline). It can also take an argument, which is displayed as a prompt before the user enters the data.

print raw_input('Input your name: ') 

prints out

Input your name: <user input data here>

To assign the user's name to a variable "x" you can use following command :

x = raw_input('Input your name: ') 


In 3.x .raw_input() is renamed to input(). input() function reads a line from sys.stdin and returns it with the trailing newline stripped.

To assign the user's name to a variable "y" you can use following command :

y = input('Input your name: ') 

Pictorial Presentation:

Print first and last name in reverse order with a space between them

Sample Solution:

Python Code:

# Prompt the user to input their first name and store it in the 'fname' variable
fname = input("Input your First Name : ")

# Prompt the user to input their last name and store it in the 'lname' variable
lname = input("Input your Last Name : ")

# Display a greeting message with the last name followed by the first name
print("Hello  " + lname + " " + fname)

Sample Output:

Input your First Name : Dany                                       
Input your Last Name : Boon                                        
Hello  Boon Dany              


This code prompts the user to input their first and last name, and then it prints a message that combines the first name and last name in a specific order.

  1. The first line fname = input("Input your First Name : ") gets the user's first name using the input() function and assigns it to the variable 'fname'.
  2. The second line lname = input("Input your Last Name : ") gets the user's last name using the input() function and assigns it to the variable 'lname'.
  3. The third line print ("Hello " + lname + " " + fname) prints a message that combines the last name and first name, concatenating them with the + operator and separated by a space.


Flowchart: Print first and last name in reverse order with a space between them.

For more Practice: Solve these Related Problems:

  • Write a Python program that accepts a full name and prints the initials in uppercase.
  • Write a Python script that takes a user's full name and reverses each word separately.
  • Write a Python program that formats a name in "Last, First" format.
  • Write a script that takes a user's name and removes all vowels before reversing it.

Python Code Editor:


Previous: Write a Python program which accepts the radius of a circle from the user and compute the area.
Next: Write a Python program which accepts a sequence of comma-separated numbers from user and generate a list and a tuple with those numbers.

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