
Create an interactive geometric shape editor with Python and Tkinter

Python Tkinter Canvas and Graphics: Exercise-14 with Solution

Write a Python program that creates an interactive map application with Tkinter and the Canvas widget. This will allow users to zoom in and out and pan across a map.

Sample Solution:

Python Code:

import tkinter as tk
import folium
from tkinter import ttk
from folium.plugins import MiniMap

# Define constants for the canvas size

class MapApp:
    def __init__(self, root):
        self.root = root
        self.root.title("Interactive Map")

        # Create a Canvas widget
        self.canvas = tk.Canvas(root, width=CANVAS_WIDTH, height=CANVAS_HEIGHT, bg="white")

        # Create a Frame for the map
        self.map_frame = ttk.Frame(root)
        self.map_frame.place(x=0, y=0, width=CANVAS_WIDTH, height=CANVAS_HEIGHT)

        # Create a map using Folium
        self.m = folium.Map(location=[51.5074, -0.1278], zoom_start=10)
        self.mini_map = MiniMap()

        # Load the map into the tkinter application

    def load_map(self):
        # Use webbrowser to display the map HTML in a tkinter canvas
        import webbrowser

if __name__ == "__main__":
    root = tk.Tk()
    app = MapApp(root)


In the exercise above -

  1. Import following modules:
    • tkinter: The standard Python interface to the Tk GUI toolkit.
    • folium: A Python library for creating Leaflet.js maps.
    • ttk from tkinter: Used for creating themed Tkinter widgets.
    • MiniMap from folium.plugins: A plugin for "Folium" that adds a mini-map to the main map.
  2. Define constants for the canvas size (CANVAS_WIDTH and CANVAS_HEIGHT) with a width of 800 pixels and a height of 600 pixels.
  3. Create a class MapApp that encapsulates the map application:
    • In the "init()" method:
      • Initialize the main Tkinter root window (root) and set its title to "Interactive Map."
      • Create a canvas widget (self.canvas) with the specified dimensions and a white background. This canvas will be used for displaying the map.
      • Create a frame (self.map_frame) to hold the map. The frame is placed at the same position and size as the canvas.
      • Create a Folium map (self.m) with an initial location (latitude and longitude) and zoom level. In this case, the location is set to London (51.5074, -0.1278), and the initial zoom level is 10.
      • Add a MiniMap plugin (self.mini_map) to the main map.
      • Save the map as an HTML file named 'map.html' using self.m.save('map.html').
    • Define a load_map method:
      • This method uses the "webbrowser" module to open the 'map.html' file in the default web browser. This is how the "Folium" map is displayed within the Tkinter application.
  4. In the if name == "__main__": block:
    • Create the main Tkinter root window (root).
    • Instantiate the "MapApp" class with the root as an argument, creating the map application.
    • Start the Tkinter main event loop with "root.mainloop()".


Tkinter: Create an interactive geometric shape editor with Python and Tkinter. Part-1


Flowchart: Create an interactive geometric shape editor with Python and Tkinter.
Flowchart: Create an interactive geometric shape editor with Python and Tkinter.

Python Code Editor:

Previous: Python Tkinter canvas shape editor: Drawing and manipulating shapes.

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