
Create a basic calendar application with Python Tkinter

Python tkinter layout management: Exercise-8 with Solution

Write a Python program that creates a basic calendar application with labels for days of the week and dates. Use the Grid geometry manager to arrange the labels.

Sample Solution:

Python Code:

import tkinter as tk
import calendar

# Function to update the calendar
def update_calendar(year, month):
    cal_text.config(text=calendar.month(year, month))

# Create the main window
root = tk.Tk()
root.title("Calendar App.")

# Create labels for dates using the Grid geometry manager
current_year = 2000
current_month = 2  
cal_text = tk.Label(root, text="")
cal_text.grid(row=0, column=1, columnspan=7, padx=11, pady=11)
update_calendar(current_year, current_month)

# Create "Previous" and "Next" buttons to navigate the calendar
def prev_month():
    global current_year, current_month
    current_month -= 1
    if current_month < 1:
        current_year -= 1
        current_month = 12
    update_calendar(current_year, current_month)

def next_month():
    global current_year, current_month
    current_month += 1
    if current_month > 12:
        current_year += 1
        current_month = 1
    update_calendar(current_year, current_month)

prev_button = tk.Button(root, text="Previous", command=prev_month)
prev_button.grid(row=1, column=0, padx=10, pady=10)

next_button = tk.Button(root, text="Next", command=next_month)
next_button.grid(row=1, column=9, padx=10, pady=10)

# Start the Tkinter event loop

Sample Output:

Tkinter: Create a basic calendar application with Python Tkinter. part-1
Tkinter: Create a basic calendar application with Python Tkinter. part-2


Flowchart: Create a basic calendar application with Python Tkinter.

Python Code Editor:

Previous: Create a chat application interface with Python Tkinter.
Next: Create a contact information form with Python Tkinter.

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