
Python file upload with urllib3: Making POST Requests simplified

Python urllib3 : Exercise-17 with Solution

Write a Python program that makes a POST request to upload a file to a server using urllib3.

Sample Solution:

Python Code :

import urllib3
def upload_file(url, file_path):
        # Create a PoolManager for managing the connection pool
        http = urllib3.PoolManager()

        # Open the file in binary mode for reading
        with open(file_path, 'rb') as file:
            # Read the content of the file
            file_content = file.read()

            # Make a POST request with the file content
            response = http.request(
                headers={'Content-Type': 'application/octet-stream'}

            # Check if the request was successful (status code 200)
            if response.status == 200:
                print("File upload successful:")
                print(f"Error: Unable to upload file. Status Code: {response.status}")

    except Exception as e:
        print(f"Error: {e}")

# Define the URL for file upload
upload_url = 'https://www.example.com/upload'  # Replace with the actual upload URL

# Define the local file path to be uploaded
file_to_upload = 'test.txt'  # Replace with the actual file path

# Make the POST request to upload the file
upload_file(upload_url, file_to_upload)

Sample Output:

Error: Unable to upload file. Status Code: 404


Here's a brief explanation of the above Python urllib3 library code:

  • Importing the urllib3 Module:
    • Import the "urllib3" module, which is a powerful HTTP client for Python.
  • Define the upload_file Function:
    • Define a function named "upload_file()" that takes two parameters - 'url' (the URL for file upload) and 'file_path' (the local file path to be uploaded).
  • Create a PoolManager:
    • Creates a PoolManager object (http) to manage the connection pool for making HTTP requests.
  • Open File in Binary Mode:
    • Opens the file specified by 'file_path' in binary mode for reading ('rb').
  • Read File Content:
    • Reads the content of the file and stores it in the 'file_content' variable.
  • Make a POST Request:
    • Makes a POST request to the specified "url" with the file content as the request body.
    • Sets the "Content-Type" header to indicate an octet-stream (binary) file.
  • Check Response Status:
    • Check if the response status code is 200.
    • If successful, print a success message along with the response data.
    • If unsuccessful, print an error message with the status code.
  • Exception Handling:
    • Handles any exceptions that might occur during the execution of the code and prints an error message.
  • Defines Upload URL and Local File Path:
    • Defines the URL for file upload ('upload_url') and the local file path to be uploaded ('file_to_upload').
  • Makes the POST Request:
    • Calls the "upload_file()" function with the specified upload URL and file path to initiate the file upload process.


Flowchart: Python file upload with urllib3: Making POST Requests simplified.

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Previous: Implementing Retry Mechanism in Python urllib3 for Resilient HTTP Requests.
Next: Python urllib3: Demonstrate Cookie persistence for seamless Web requests.

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