
TensorFlow Basics: Exercises and Solutions for Beginners

Python TensorFlow basic [16 exercises with solution]

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These exercises provide a good starting point for users to learn the basics of TensorFlow. These include tensors, operations, sessions, eager execution, variables, and data types. Before moving on to more advanced TensorFlow topics, users can practice these exercises

TensorFlow Operations:

1. Write a Python program that creates a TensorFlow constant with the values [100, 200, 300]. Print its shape and data type.
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2. Write a Python program that implements element-wise addition on two TensorFlow tensors of shape (2, 3) filled with random values.
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3. Write a Python program to create a TensorFlow tensor of shape (3, 3) filled with zeros and then change its value to nine.
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4. Write a Python program that multiplies a TensorFlow tensor by a scalar value and prints the result.
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5. Write a Python program that uses TensorFlow to compute the dot product of two vectors (1-D tensors).
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Sessions and Eager Execution:

6. Write a Python program that enables eager execution in TensorFlow 2.x and prints the result of a simple operation without a session.
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7. Write a Python program that creates a TensorFlow graph and run it inside a session to compute the result of a basic mathematical operation.
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Variables and Constants:

8. Write a Python program that defines a TensorFlow variable to store a matrix of random values. Initialize and print the variable.
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9. Write a Python program that explains the difference between TensorFlow variables and constants.
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10. Write a Python program that creates a TensorFlow constant and a TensorFlow variable. Add, subtract, multiply and divide them and print the result.
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11. Write a Python program that demonstrates how to update a TensorFlow variable within a session.
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12. Write a Python program that initializes a TensorFlow variable with an initial value and then updates its value within a loop. Print the variable's value after each update.
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Data Types in TensorFlow:

13. Write a Python code to list some common TensorFlow data types available.
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14. Write a Python program that creates a TensorFlow tensor with a specified data type (e.g., float32) and prints its data type.
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15. Write a Python program that converts a TensorFlow tensor from one data type to another (e.g., from int32 to float64).
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16. Write a Python program that creates a TensorFlow tensor with a string data type and print its value.
Click me to see the sample solution

Python Code Editor:

[ Want to contribute to Python exercises? Send your code (attached with a .zip file) to us at w3resource[at]yahoo[dot]com. Please avoid copyrighted materials.]

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