
Pandas Practice Set-1: Sort the 'cut' Series in ascending order of diamonds Dataframe

Pandas Practice Set-1: Exercise-12 with Solution

Write a Pandas program to sort the 'cut' Series in ascending order (returns a Series) of diamonds Dataframe.

Sample Solution :

Python Code :

import pandas as pd
diamonds = pd.read_csv('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mwaskom/seaborn-data/master/diamonds.csv')
print("Original Dataframe:")
print("\ncut Series in ascending order :")
result = diamonds.cut.sort_values(ascending=True)

Sample Output:

Original Dataframe:
   carat      cut color clarity  depth  table  price     x     y     z
0   0.23    Ideal     E     SI2   61.5   55.0    326  3.95  3.98  2.43
1   0.21  Premium     E     SI1   59.8   61.0    326  3.89  3.84  2.31
2   0.23     Good     E     VS1   56.9   65.0    327  4.05  4.07  2.31
3   0.29  Premium     I     VS2   62.4   58.0    334  4.20  4.23  2.63
4   0.31     Good     J     SI2   63.3   58.0    335  4.34  4.35  2.75

cut Series in ascending order :
3850          Fair
51464         Fair
51466         Fair
10237         Fair
10760         Fair
14645         Fair
13271         Fair
13270         Fair
22871         Fair
7586          Fair
49235         Fair
18337         Fair
2948          Fair
51463         Fair
51495         Fair
51497         Fair
1469          Fair
24490         Fair
45442         Fair
22852         Fair
22851         Fair
20235         Fair
14652         Fair
51513         Fair
51515         Fair
51516         Fair
24508         Fair
51496         Fair
17573         Fair
51462         Fair
29533    Very Good
43106    Very Good
16897    Very Good
43073    Very Good
43074    Very Good
29207    Very Good
29206    Very Good
16873    Very Good
16874    Very Good
7412     Very Good
7411     Very Good
29202    Very Good
43082    Very Good
43083    Very Good
43084    Very Good
29201    Very Good
43086    Very Good
16875    Very Good
16876    Very Good
7409     Very Good
29197    Very Good
43092    Very Good
16884    Very Good
7404     Very Good
7403     Very Good
7402     Very Good
43101    Very Good
16893    Very Good
16898    Very Good
21164    Very Good
Name: cut, Length: 53940, dtype: object

Python Code Editor:

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Previous: Write a pandas program to remove multiple rows at once (axis=0 refers to rows) from diamonds dataframe.
Next: Write a pandas program to sort the 'price' Series in descending order (returns a Series) of diamonds Dataframe.

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